Panning Navigator


Users need to navigate an area that is larger than the display they use


Show a preview of the entire image with the currently viewable area marked


Use when

Reading large texts or viewing maps/images. for example on a Article Page or Product Page or even Case Study as shown in the example.


User can change the area they view by dragging the viewable area marking.


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2 comments have been added to this pattern

LJ, 23rd April 2008
I think that this pattern belongs to another large pattern called "Side bar". Don't you think that patterns like "Header" and "Footer" are worth defining?
Pete Kirkham, 10th December 2008
No, this is about the navigator pattern (aka mini-map), not the location. Side-bars in print are normally additional information rather than navigation, or are used for links away in hypertext. This pattern is for navigation within a content area.

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